Narrative Essay – An Essay Everyone Should Know

The gift of a storyteller makes an author a good writer. After all, it’s not enough just to come up with a story. You need to be able to tell it. The reader could not tear himself away from the beginning of the text until the end. And for that, the author needs to create a compelling narrative essay.
Students need to know that any work has a clear structure and is built according to a harmonious scheme: introduction, central part, conclusion. A narrative essay is a special text, the structure of which is determined by the laws of logic. The statement’s assessment would also be subjective if the teacher were guided only by the criterion “like – not like.”
Therefore, adherence to a certain specific scheme when writing work is an indispensable requirement, the fulfillment of which will help the student to prove his opinion convincingly, and the teacher will give guidelines for objective assessment. Linguists distinguish the following features of narrative texts:
- internal dynamics;
- the events described most often develop in chronological order;
- actions are logically connected and united by space-time belonging.
Now that you are familiar with the features of this text. We can start exploring the structure and format of writing. Follow the instructions carefully to complete the task correctly.
What Does It Mean To Write a Narrative Essay?
We recommend that you learn the narrative essay definition and further apply it in the text. A narrative essay is a story about how everything happened and happened. The narration is a sequence of developing actions, a change of states, phenomena, events. And on what the work’s plot is based, no matter how the listing of the events happened. By the way, the novel’s synopsis is a pure narration, sometimes flavored with a listing of the work’s main ideas.
The narrative is the thread that holds the composition. If the narrative fails at some point, the whole story falls apart, falls apart, ceases to be a coherent story. Although it would seem that there could be more straightforward storytelling: list your actions – went, did, achieved, etc. However, writing smooth narrative text is a whole art that writers have honed over the years, developing their style to create harmonious, compelling stories.
Also, narration may seem like just a form of speech, since in the text, we tell something, but we do not describe the situation or subject. Our task in such a text is to tell about a day or an event that has already happened, to share our feelings, experiences. But we forget about this when writing a text on paper because it’s hard to say something, not using direct speech, but only verbs, participles. Even a trip to the store should be described correctly. Therefore, we recommend that you line up all events in sequence to not forget about the details. The text can be made exciting and clear with the help of epithets, comparisons.
It’s all about the structure of the narrative, which is dynamic and should express “relationships in time sequence,” that is, fix changes in the surrounding world, and not describe a static picture of the world. Below you will find the structure features.
The Right Narrative Essay Structure
Surely you are puzzled by the question of what a narrative essay format that is considered correct is? We invite students to remember the following narrative essay format:
- Introduction
- Thesis.
- Arguments.
- An example from literature or other arts.
- An example from history, socio-political, or own life.
- Conclusion.
Before making structure, which means that all the elements must be connected logically, that is, the task of an argument is to confirm the thesis, and the task of examples is to confirm the arguments, etc. Hard and detailed work is lining up before you because the text should contain at least one or two theses, and if there are two of them, then there should be two arguments and examples, respectively. Try to express yourself correctly and clearly so that the reader understands you.
The narrative essay introduction is just getting started. Usually, it says where, when, under what conditions the event originates, and its causes. Further, the action gradually develops. Usually, a separate paragraph is devoted to each stage of the development of events. This part of the text is the most voluminous and is considered the central one. When a story concludes, the reader’s attention strains to the breaking point. Everyone is waiting for what will happen next. This is described in the denouement. It may also contain a conclusion about what happened, the author’s assessment.
Expert Tips for Writing a Successful Narrative Essay
Are you wondering how to write a good narrative essay? To do this, use our tips, and you will be able to create good text:
- Start by choosing a narrative essay topic. Choose those topics that are closest to you, and you are well versed in them.
- Then draw up a narrative essay outline. You are wondering how to write a narrative essay outline? We advise you to write short ideas on a draft and then structure them into logical transitions.
- Write the truth – what is happening must be convincing, even if we are talking about a fictional world where other physics laws apply.
- Write clearly – the reader should understand what is happening in the text and not get confused in the details and characters. To do this, the author needs to monitor verbs’ consistency, avoid the frequent use of personal pronouns that replace the name of objects, and do not abuse qualifying constructions.
- Write consistently – even an inverse story should be logical. “I came, I saw, I won,” “I won. After came and saw” – the reader should understand what happened initially and what happened at the end. This is especially true for narratives that tell about simple everyday actions, in which the authors are very often confused.
- Write cleanly and smoothly – any text replete with speech, grammatical, lexical errors repels an intelligent reader. It would help if you got rid of mistakes, stylistic flaws by any means: read more literary texts, give your work to a literary editor for proofreading.
- Correctly agree that when narrating, the author should remember the chosen time and bend all sentence members to avoid annoying mistakes leading to absurdity and semantic collapse that prevents the reader from understanding what and when the hero did. To reconcile the tenses, sometimes, it is enough to actively use the service parts of speech and adverbs, indicating the sequence of events and other clarifying constructions.
Example of Good Narrative Essay For Students
Study the narrative essay example carefully, and you can use the same idea in your text:
Should you always tell the truth?
“Everyone knows that cheating is ugly. And if you don’t want to tell the truth when someone asks you about it? For example, so as not to disturb your elders with any unpleasant news. I got a bad grade at school, but my parents were very busy today’s school success. And you didn’t say anything either. But you didn’t lie, didn’t say that the grade was excellent. While they remember, we can correct the grade. A friend once told me a story.
During the winter holidays, he visited his grandmother in the village. He made friends with his peers – neighborhood boys. We played snowballs together, rode down the hill. There is a large pond not far from the village. The guys were strictly forbidden to go out on the ice. Is it dangerous? But Jacob, the most desperate of the locals, kept inviting the whole company to the ice, and one day they did go. The ice was still weak. In some places, it sagged. We walked until dark, rode, had fun.
Jacob came home. Boots and pants are wet. Grandma was already worried. “Where have you been? – asks. – I went out into the street. There was no one on the hill. Jacob answered something unintelligible. And so the dangerous walks began. But in a few days, my grandmother began to guess everything and frankly asked if they didn’t go to the pond. Jacob wanted to get out somehow, but he felt ashamed. He sees that the grandmother is very excited, and he confessed everything.
As Jacob tried not to persuade his grandmother not to tell anyone, nothing came of it. The parents of other children found out. We talked sternly with the guys and explained that their walks were very dangerous. “Hey, you traitor, I don’t want to know you!” – Jacob declared to Peter. Jacob felt very hurt. But two days later, not far from the coast, a fisherman fell through the ice. And although he was a young and strong man, he was barely saved. It’s good that there were people nearby.
I told my friend not to get upset and not consider himself a traitor. Moreover, Jacob first told Peter about the danger, but he only laughed in response. So, you can’t betray your friends. But if they, mistaking or not understanding everything, render something dangerous, bad? Perhaps Jacob’s honesty saved someone from trouble. “
Conclusion on Narrative Essay
We want you to remember that narrative essay forever’s stories about an event, an exciting incident, a memory of a trip, or how you spent your holidays. Or a story about what book you read, what wonderful movie you watched, what person did you meet, or a story about your favorite writer or actor, about a politician who made an indelible impression on you. There can also be a biographical story, that is, a story about yourself.
Don’t be afraid to write! Do not try to copy someone’s style; do not be shy about the technical statements that are spinning in your head. As practice shows, they are the most suitable. No matter how pathetic it may sound, your story is a part of your soul, individuality, and clothed in the form you choose. In our opinion, this very moment is the key to the formation of the author’s style. Start listening to your thoughts while writing, so the texts will become more harmonious.
We Are Happy To Help With Writing A Narrative Essay
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